Rodolfo Maslias

European Parliament

Rodolfo Maslias

European Parliament


  • Linguistic studies and law: Thessaloniki, Giessen, Madrid, Luxembourg
  • Main languages: Greek, German, French, Spanish
  • Other languages: English, Italian, Dutch
  • Graduate: German and French Philology, Translation, Post-graduate: German Classical Theatre
  • Certified Terminology Manager (ECQA-TermNet-University of Vienna)
  • Tranlsator at the European Parliament 1981-2008
  • Founder and Head of the Terminology Coordination Unit since 2008
  • Visitor Professor for Translation and Terminology at the Ionian University (Corfu-GR) 1998
  • Visitor Professor for terminology at the University of Luxembourg since 2013
  • Courses on terminology in many Universities in the main languages (Savoie Mont-Blanc, Padova, Granada, Thessaloniki, Germersheim a.o.)
  • Keynote speaker in several international conferences on terminology
  • Member of scientific committees of conferences, of Boards of linguistic University departments and curator of post-graduate theses on terminology
  • In Culture (GR): Director of International Relations (Thessaloniki ECOC ‘97), Director of Cabinet of the Minister of Culture (2000-2002), Cultural Advisor to the Mayor of Athens (2007-2010)
  • Coordinator of the Network of the European Capitals of Culture (2002-2010)
  • Member of the European Cultural Parliament (ECP)
  • Founder and manager of the Association «Greek Culture in Luxembourg»


The new IATE, YOU can now access the EU Terminology

Rodolfo Maslias, Head of the Terminology Coordination of the European Parliament (TermCoord) will present the new features of the EU database IATE permitting external users (guest users) to make advanced search and to download in several formats terms or glossaries in this database containing around 8 million terms from the EU legislation in more than 100 fields and in the 24 official EU languages. He will also present the collaboration of TermCoord with Universities from all over the world “Terminology without Borders” in ten fields using the innovative application FAIRterm that permits also collaborative projects done simultaneously by several Universities in different languages.